Brooks, C. (2023) Key Words in Teacher Education: Quality. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Brooks, C. & J., Perryman (2023) Policy in the pandemic: lost opportunities, returning to ‘normal’ and ratcheting up control London Review of Education, 21: 1. DOI:
Hordern, J., and Brooks, C. (2023) “The core content framework and the 'new science' of educational research”. Oxford Review of Education. (accepted and in production).
Brooks, C. McIntyre, J. and Mutton, T. (2023) “Learning to think, perform and act with integrity: does teacher education have a signature pedagogy, and does it matter?” London Review of Education Special Issue: Rising to the challenge of teacher education to prepare teachers for today’s world. Vol. 21(1). DOI: 10.14324/LRE.21.1.01.
Brooks, C. (2023) “When research doesn’t travel: borrowing from the US to influence English policy on teacher education.” ISATT year book
Brooks, C., (2023) Teachers' research capacity and initial teacher education policy. In: Tierney, R.J., Rizvi, F., Erkican, K. (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education, vol. 5. Elsevier, pp. 611–621. B978-0-12-818630-5.04091-4.
Brooks, C., McIntyre, J. and Mutton, T. (2021) Teacher Education Policy Making during the Pandemic. Special Issue of Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice entitled: The Drive for Equity and Quality in the Time of Covid-19: Considerations and Implications for Teachers and Teaching. DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2021.1997984
Brooks, C., Gong, Q., Rocha, A.A., Salinas-Silva, V. (2022). Spatial Perspectives: A Missing Link for Comparative Teacher Education Research. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Brooks, C. (2022). Mentoring as a spatial practice. In G. Healy, S. Puttick, L. Hammond & N. Walshe. (Eds.). Mentoring Geography Teachers in the Secondary School: A Practical Guide. London: Routledge, Ch.4.
Brooks, C., (2021). The quality conundrum in initial teacher education, Teachers and Teaching, 27:1-4, 131-146, DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2021.1933414
Brooks, C., & Kitto, E. (2021). Folk Pedagogies of Change: Developing an Early Years Education Development Strategy for China. Early Years. doi:10.1080/09575146.2021.1935495 Gao, J., Xu, Y., Kitto, E., Bradford, H., & Brooks, C. (2022). Promoting culturally-sensitive teacher agency in Chinese kindergarten teachers: an integrated learning approach. Early Years: an international research journal. doi:10.1080/09575146.2021.1901661
Brooks, C. (2021). Teacher identity, professional practice and online social spaces. In N. Walshe and G. Healy (eds), Geography Education in the Digital World: Linking Theory and Practice. London: Routledge, pp.7-16.
Brooks, C. (2019a). “A relacao entre "expertise" da disciplina escolar e da ciencia de referencia”. In A. A. Da Rocha, A. M. Monteiro, & R. Straforini (Eds.), Conversas na Escada; Curriculo, docencia e disciplina escolar (pp. 143-166). Rio de Janeiro: Consequencia.
Brooks, C. (2019b). “Uma bussola professional”. In A. A. Da Rocha, A. M. Monteiro, & R. Straforini (Eds.), Conversas na Escada; Curriculo, docencia e disciplina escolar (pp. 49-86). Rio de Janeiro: Consequencia.
Brooks, C. (2017) How do we understand conceptual development in school geography? In Lambert, D. and Jones, M. (Eds) (2nd Ed) Key Debates in Geography Education. London: Routledge.
Uwe Krause, U., Beneker, T., Tani, S., Brooks, C., and Lucchesi, F. (2017) “L’educazione geografica in Europa: un dialogo sulla formazione universitaria dei docent”. In Giacomo Zanolin, Thomas Gilardi, Rossella De Lucia (eds), Geo-didattiche per il future; La Geografia alla prova delle competenze. FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Brooks, C. (2017). Teaching Geography in England "in this day and age". In Y. IDA (Ed.), 教科教育におけるESDの実践と課題 地理・歴史・公民・社会科.
Firth, R. and Brooks, C. (2017) Evidence-based practice and research in geography education. In Lambert, D. and Jones, M. (Eds) (2nd Ed) Key Debates in Geography Education. London: Routledge.
Brooks, C., Gong, Q., & Salinas-Silva, V. (2017). “What next for Geography Education? A perspective from the International Geographical Union - Commission for Geography Education.” Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography, 2017 (1), 5-15. doi:10.4458/8579-01
Brooks, C. (2017) Developing geography teachers’ understanding of subject-specific pedagogical understanding: teaching with a “professional compass”. Geography 102;1.
Brooks, C. (2016) “International Differences in thinking geographically and why it matters”. In C. Brooks, G. Butt and M. Fargher (Eds) (2016) The Power of Thinking Geographically. Springer.
Brooks, C. (2016) Teacher Subject Identity in Professional Practice: Teaching with a professional compass (part of Foundations and Futures of Education Series). London, Routledge.